(122) Let your voice be heard

Let your voice be heard: Introduction

Let your voice be heard is a contribution by Josefina Castañeda and is about a father’s message to his daughters. A message in which he says that it is important for them to make their voices heard. To all those it is also a message who, despite all the bumps, all the negative signals, attitudes, fears, and emotions that prevent them from being free and being who they are at their core. It is also the message to let Your Soul through Your Voice be heard by whoever wants to listen to it. It is also the time, despite the many tears of unnecessary suffering that we sometimes have to endure, an ordeal that is there because of others and that others  have to endure, but that can also be resolved when the Soul has touched to see You, to hear You … to grow into who we want to be … like a beautiful butterfly that is allowed to show itself after a struggle of transformation and to be who it is because it is meant to be and not otherwise. Let YOU see and let YOU hear your Voice because YOU are important! And now follows the in my opinion fantastic contribution of Josefina:

Your voice is worth gold and has a right to exist, but it is often taken away or forbidden to be used. Why is that? Let your voice be heard.
Let your voice be heard: A father’s message to his daughters

What a wealth we own when we look at what is happening in the world now, silently but above all in word, writing and voice.

Everyone’s voice is worth Gold and has a right to exist, but this Voice is often taken away from us or forbidden to be used. In Silence we say a lot, in Silence we think a lot, in you know a lot, in Silence you do a lot but the Power is in Your Voice, in Your Unique Voice because that is what you are talking about. You are blessed if you can talk, if you can talk freely and then why does it happen that this doesn’t or can’t happen?

You always have the rules, the habits, the culture and all kinds of other excuses I would almost say because who are you to silence me, who are you to tell me who I can be, who are you to make me believe that I have no right to speak, no right be who I am because I want to be like that or to express my opinion because it was given to me from the source of love, the Voice of God, the Voice of Justice!

There are all kinds of situations in which you know how to use your Voice, these are unwritten rules that we all know very well inside out, but we are made like this by all kinds of circumstances, shaped according to the circumstances at that moment  you carry out from your own Can, Know and Trust to shape that part by using your Voice, as a baby, as a toddler, as a teenager, as an adolescent, as a young adult, as an adult, As an older adult and later when you are nearing the end of your Life, you hope that your Voice has contributed to the generations after you to pass on that piece of Law, Human Rights because it gives you freedom, understanding and above all, unconditional Love to be able to close your eyes and grow in your Way.

How to continue? The further on if you don’t have this Right, if you don’t have the Freedom to say what you want to say from your Heart where you Soul always shows you little by little where your Voice is, how to allow it into Silence to experience little by little the confidence to actually stand for who YOU are, to let your Voice be heard because it is Unique and may be made recognisable without any form of sabotage.

Why do you sometimes sabotage yourself when there is a form of freedom to express your opinion? What then prevents you from carrying out this action in an unforced setting that nevertheless brings about a forced action in which you hold yourself prisoner, lock yourself up, enter into conversation in Silence and finally decide to say Nothing. Is that the truth, your truth that is playing with you, with your thoughts, to let it happen in silence.

Out of fear we say a lot, out of fear we say little or nothing. Everything can be nothing in Silence in the Truth that is enclosed in a moment of hesitation, of doubt, of failure, of not being enough who you are.

What is the point of this when you consider that you were born with your Unique Beautiful Voice, which you were allowed to express as you wished from childhood onwards, but which was taken away by circumstances or gradually formed into a form that did not suit you, but eventually became your safe haven because in Silence you could express yourself better.

I do know that I have very often had to defend myself against words from Fear, words Contempt, from Condemnation, from Jealousy, from Grief, from Faith, from Ignorance, from Cultural DNA, from Ignoring, from Not Being Welcome, from Actions that all stem from the above situations that were so distressing and still are today, that my Soul broke when I was treated as Nothing, as Not Knowing, but my Soul gave me the strength to live up to my values by sometimes observing at appropriate times in Silence, saying everything in Silence and accepting in Silence thinking that it will pass, that it is a form of  expression that we all have in us, but by circumstances one will use it and abuse it for one’s own good.

The message: Visualise clearly the life you want. Feel it in your Heart and Soul and you will get it.

Despite all the bumps, all the negative signals and attitudes that  have  hindered me in my freedom to be who I was, I have always imagined that deep within my  Soul it was always Pure and Vibrant to show my Path of Life in the encounters and conversations I had, in the actions I did, in the actions I took. In the ESSENCE who I was did not change from within, from within my Soul.

I was infinitely Free, infinitely Pure, and infinitely Rich.

Those who truly saw me gave me courage, gave me positive Hope, gave me the Strength and unconditional Love to go on, to grow as it was meant to be. You form a shield around you, as a protection, that you are not so touched in your Soul because that piece is Your Voice and it will always whisper the right words to you and guide you into the good that you are inside, think and want to show.

Your eyes say a lot without saying anything, your ears hear a lot without sound or being spoken, your Voice says a lot without saying anything, your Body says everything formed with your unique code, your DNA of which you only have the Key to share that Piece of Freedom in your own way and just be.

Know that I am there, know that I see you, know that I feel you in your lonely struggle, in your Silence, in your Solitude to give you the Voice you need to be who you are. You are my daughters and I am so grateful that you wanted to be my daughters, and I save you from the fear, the Voice of Darkness, to let your own Voice speak, to be heard in a way that suits you.

Know that even in my life I have often had to keep my mouth shut and often got very angry with myself when I denied myself to others because this is your right, your birth right to be who you are and with who you are, you should always treat that other in a Respectful, Loving and Honourable way.

The DNA that Fear, failure, dictator Fear and all sorts of other Fears that made me stiffened at that moment, but I have never felt less than anyone else because I held on to my own truth inside, hidden deep within my Soul and gave me the strength to move on. From a very early age I was mistaken for less, for much less as nothing and that made me think I was who I was. I have never denied my origins and have held on to the stories, to the feeling from my Heart, from my Soul, just to be who I was, because I could do it best in spite of the tears, the sadness, the unnecessary pain and the inhuman treatment of some, I have been able to hold my own through the right people around me Love, To give Attention and Respect and to share Fear in a form of Trust, Knowing and Hope that the other person would reach out his hands when I needed them and that was, of course, a mutual event, a matter of course, which I see in you and which I find so special that I feel it with tears just like you, my darling.

Know that I am there for you, 24/7 and know that you also own that spot and know that you Soul wants to pass on the messages needed in the NOW for later. Later is NOW, don’t forget that!

Never forget who you are, where you come from and in all the bumps there is a gift hidden in the end that you may unwrap if time permits, but also remember that YOU have the right to be who you are, what you have to tell and how you want to do this in all modesty, and do not let it be brought to you that Your View is not worth naming, and that Your View does not count, for that is the essence of Being, the essence of who you were, are and want to be.

Your View lets you grow, blossom, see, forgive, and so much more that it enriches your Voice, lets you marvel, admire and breathe in my Being to find your own way day in, day out.

Your Voice is the part of your Soul which expresses itself in this way next to your intuition and feeling to walk your path of life, next to another sometimes, sometimes alone, sometimes behind another and sometimes in front of another to show the way or gather courage to assist that other on his or her path for protection, from passion, from question or from love.

Know that there have always been transformations going on during the Time, going on and still to come to let Your Voice be heard in that One Moment which makes you realize what you are capable of when that One Moment presents itself.

It is Time to show, let Your Voice be heard and felt in order to actually let go of acceptance, connection, and Fear in which the Being may live, may steer in all the simplicity of existence.

Love, Daddy”

(109) A Happy Feeling

Let the moments of sadness, of fear, of pain, of disappointment fly away like the Butterfly and let the joyful feeling, the sense of oneness, sense of belonging that you may give yourself, share in these seconds of being whole fulfil you.

Dear Soul, do you want to write for me?

In an unexpected moment of one second, when entering a hallway, I was surprised by a beautiful appearance that flew in my direction. In this one second, I pondered to catch it and to set it free from this Hall, because it should fly in nature. Everything during this one second made me catch this beautiful Butterfly and search for a window.

While searching I could not find a window, then went up towards to the terrace where I could let this beautiful appearance rest.

On the way to the terrace, my sister came upstairs and, in my enthusiasm wanted to share this feeling … by carefully opening my hand I showed the beautiful Butterfly to my sister, she was just as surprised by this wonderful spectacle what was given to us this morning.

While talking and searching for an attempt to give the Butterfly her freedom, my sister tried to grab her phone to capture her.

While filming the Butterfly stayed quietly on my hand, showing itself in her most beautiful outfit, a colour splendour that made us happy, that happy inner feeling you can’t explain had passed by a couple of times in a few seconds, in a deep respect, a deep appreciation, a deep togetherness, feeling a deep unity with this beauty from nature. She had closed her wings and, walking to the terrace, she opened it, this colour splendour warmed us up inside and amazed us in a way that was very special.

The beautiful butterfly sitting on my hand

Walking to the hydrangea to let her rest on the leaves and then to meet freedom, she sat very quietly and occasionally let her wings close and open. During this short period of connection with three creatures of nature we felt that this, this connectedness was necessary to make us realize that nature has so much to offer and that nature in ourselves needs so little to create this happy feeling for what it is.

At some point while talking to her she showed her wings spread on my hand where I said: “Go … go enjoy flying into nature … be yourself.”

The beauty she radiated during these few seconds made us marvel this moment for the rest of the day.

A moment of awareness with this beautiful Butterfly reminded us that every second of the day you can enjoy yourself, be yourself and because of all kinds of circumstances you can sometimes no longer see the beauty of this Butterfly, can feel it, can share it in the way that Nature you offer … for free and for naught.

This Butterfly stands for that bit of enjoyment, rejoicing yourself by looking through the eyes of this beauty that makes you surprise, rejoice and warm.

Think like the Butterfly, spread your wings, show off your colour splendour, and sometimes take a break to relax so that you can fly out the way you want and can fly out to a new place, a new feeling, a new encounter, a new experience! Embark on a voyage of discovery within yourself as the Butterfly did in this hall, and watch what you can see, be able to experience in a matter of seconds, which will make you stop for a moment in wonder, the admiration of nature around you, on Mother Earth, in nature and within yourself.

Let the moments of sadness, of fear, of pain, of disappointment fly away like the Butterfly and let the joyful feeling, the sense of oneness, sense of belonging that you may give yourself, share in these seconds of being whole fulfil you.

A happy feeling is that feeling where you press that Heart & Soul button to let the Light shine in a dark room. Be this button yourself, because anything is possible! A few seconds to rejoice your heart, rejoice your soul, and above all rejoicing your life, making other energies realize that we are all just seconds on Mother Earth to make this wonder, admiration, to be allowed to share as the butterfly did with me and my sister.

That’s where I’m this beauty grateful for.

(99) Roundabout of Choices

Roundabout of choices. You keep making choices that lead to similar consequences as from choices you made previously. You promised yourself never to do that again, and still you did.


In our daily life we consciously and unconsciously make many choices. With one choice it is crystal clear for you to choose, with the other choice the options are not so clear, let alone that you can see the consequences of your choice. You never get full assurance for making your choice. As soon as you have made the first steps after your choice, everything will change as things that were previously hidden for you now become visible. In short, it makes no sense to reason (in detail) what choice you should make… but trust your feelings.

If you don’t make a choice, you literally stand still, and you won’t continue on your life’s path. But, make sure you don’t get on a roundabout of choices.

Roundabout of Choices

Each time you make the same choice of which you promised yourself never to make it again, then your life’s path run along a roundabout; the roundabout of choices. Even though the players you meet may change over time when you walk along your roundabout of choices, it remains a repetition of moves and decisions. You won’t proceed in life in my opinion because you didn’t learn obviously from previous lessons.

Below some examples. Many examples could be added to the list. What matters though is that you keep making choices that have the same kind of outcome or consequences… you promised to yourself not to make these choices again… and, still you did.

An example: Your partner abuses you

Consider for example of a situation where your partner abuses you, or bullies, deceives, neglects or just ignores you. You may not have experienced that in the beginning of your relationship. Later, when you became aware of the situation you were in, you still loved your partner deeply despite his or her behaviour. You didn’t want to admit at first and eventually, perhaps even after long deliberation, you decided to end the relation. And when you settled down again you thought at yourself: “Never again!”

Eventually you met someone again with whom you decided to enter a new relationship. Later, you discovered that this new partner behaved the same way as your ex-partner. “Not again!” you thought. However, your friends saw it happening again from the beginning of your new relationship and were thinking: “How is it possible that you didn’t learn from that hard lesson the last time?” At that moment you returned to the same point on the roundabout of choices where you were last time.

An example: After a break, you choose the same partner each time

The same applies to people who after a broken relationship still choose the same partner again and … sometimes keep choosing … despite the previously broken relationship (s) and the ensuing frustrations and grief. We may think at the next choice … that we did learn from our mistakes and that this time we will make the right choice. And yet others, who know you well … find that you again have again chosen a partner who is addicted to alcohol and / or drugs or threatens or abuses you. You made the same choice as before in your life when you had promised yourself that you would never make such a choice again.

Any other example

That lousy or bad situation does not necessarily have to deal with a partner. I could also be about completely different things: like your financial decisions or changing jobs every time because the last job didn’t meet your expectations again.

How to proceed from here

Get off that roundabout of choices

Get off that roundabout of choices. You can only proceed on your path of life when you choose a route that caries you away from that roundabout of choices. However, before that happens you will have to be prepared not to retreat every time … maybe you think it too bizarre for words … on that old “trusted” path that was your roundabout of choices. You must be willing to think completely out of the box and perhaps even dare to live that way. Only then can you develop yourself further and perhaps discover also new horizons that help you create new opportunities.

Go for it as soon as you leave the roundabout of choices

Once you step on that new path, that path that takes you away from that roundabout of choices, don’t look back but forward to where that path goes. Leave the past for what it is. The past cannot be changed anyway. You can only make choices that concern the future, your future.

Keep making choices

In my opinion, every person has a purpose in life. However, that goal is not important… what is important is the path you followed to achieve your goal and in particularly the lessons you learned on that path. To reach your goal you’ll have to make choices to move forward in life. What those choices are? That’s not for me. That’s up to you! You are responsible for the choices you make in your life. It also means that you must accept the consequences of a choice made… after all it’s your choice.

New opportunities

It amazes me time and time again is that you unwind once you’ve made your choice. You’ve put a step forward. And whatever the situation was where you’re coming from… or maybe even still is… you’ve put a step… a step forward. And with that you opened new opportunities to move forward in life. Make sure you make use of what you discover… see… get… receive… and feel. Exploit it fully! Get all out of it! At a certain point in time you may discover that you’ve learned new things… something that you never would’ve chosen otherwise … something is a revelation to you… where you become a happy person!

(98) Letting Go

Letting go. Have confidence in yourself, believe and trust that nothing is for nothing… sometimes the difficult things in our life make the choice to look at ourselves. It’ll be fine.

Ask for help, to restore yourself. Everything is a choice… the choice is what you decide… you, and only you, allow that choice… or not.

Letting go is very hard and challenging… but nobody else can solve that part for you. Hence, it is better to face this as soon as possible… to create new room for new things… positive things.

The old energy… the fear… the care… the must do’s… the criticising … the judging… the imposed feeling of yourself or the other… the emotions… the believes… all that’s now allowed to let go… all, that you can let go.

Be thankful and see this as a blessing… as an enrichment to proceed… to embrace yourself again… to love yourself. That’s the key that opens the new door… but, be watchful.

Be yourself… be happy with yourself… laugh at yourself and with yourself… award yourself that which you grant to another… to really feel the new energy… the new energy, when you do realize: “This is not the way I want to go on!”

However, you must take this step, and only you can do that with all your new energy… with all your passion… all your Being… to really experience it… to really feel it, and permitted to share it.

It’s very simple.

Invite the new energy and say farewell to the old energy… thank the old energy and embrace the new one as if you hug a good friend.

You could do it… and you will feel relieved because you do not hold anymore the fear, the care, and the must do… the new energy that makes you feel again in a way as you are.

Sometimes, it’s not clear why things happen… are noticeably profound… for no reason. But, when we look deep within ourselves… then we see, or feel, that little place where you do not always want to go to… to really feel… because you assume: “Surely that’s no longer possible?”

It’s going well, however, you forgot what you saved in all your cells… in your deepest Being… in your Soul… because you had to go on… no whining, no squealing, just moving on. And just right now when everything goes fine… you don’t feel good… tired… not pleasant.

Letting go the piece that has hurt you so much, has disappointed you so much… is now surfacing… because you have the peace… have the (inner) silence… have the time… to really feel it now.

Feel, undergo and look where it hurts you. Look where it reveals itself when you look honestly through the eyes of your Soul, from the eyes you not always want to see and feel on that spot… that hidden spot… just very briefly, 5 minutes, that’s ok… and then just let it golet it go and see what happens.

It’ll be fine! Have confidence in yourself, believe and trust that nothing is for nothing… sometimes the difficult things in our life make the choice to look at ourselves… a crossroads with a choice… your choice, where do I want to go to.

Go there with your thoughts and live and enjoy this moment in the now. Especially, do not worry about tomorrow… no, there is so much beauty… so much good around you and within you.

Embrace your family, your work, your relatives, your friends, your house, your car … name it … and … beam it, express it!

(97) How Easy Can It Be

Lately it seems like I am meeting more and more Angels on Earth. Angels that show you… how simple it all can be… is granted to be… is. How beautiful the world is… how beautiful you, yourself, are… and… the people around you. How with a few words your world can tip… from rain to sunshine… from gloom to joy… from in and in grief to moments where you can forget that grief. How with simple insights… veils are removed one by one… making everything crystal clear… lighter… serene… happier… and you can in and in enjoy life again.

Those moments I consider the diamonds in my life.

My sincerest thanks to all the Angels around me… I love you!