Let the moments of sadness, of fear, of pain, of disappointment fly away like the Butterfly and let the joyful feeling, the sense of oneness, sense of belonging that you may give yourself, share in these seconds of being whole fulfil you.
Dear Soul, do you want to write for me?
In an unexpected
moment of one second, when entering a hallway, I was surprised by a beautiful appearance that flew
in my direction. In
this one second, I pondered to catch it and to set it free from this Hall,
because it should fly in nature. Everything during this one
second made me catch this beautiful Butterfly and search for a window.
While searching I could not find a window, then went up towards to the terrace where I could let this
beautiful appearance rest.
On the way to the terrace, my sister came upstairs and, in my enthusiasm wanted
to share this feeling … by carefully opening my hand I showed the beautiful Butterfly
to my sister, she was just as surprised by this wonderful spectacle what was
given to us this morning.
While talking and searching for an attempt to give
the Butterfly her freedom, my sister tried to grab her phone to capture her.
While filming the Butterfly stayed quietly on my
hand, showing itself in her most beautiful outfit, a colour splendour that made
us happy, that happy inner feeling you can’t explain had passed by a couple of
times in a few seconds, in a deep respect, a deep appreciation, a deep
togetherness, feeling a deep unity with this beauty from nature. She had closed
her wings and, walking to the terrace, she opened it, this colour splendour warmed
us up inside and amazed us in a way that was very special.
Walking to the hydrangea to let her rest on the
leaves and then to meet freedom, she sat very quietly and occasionally let her
wings close and open. During this short period of connection with three
creatures of nature we felt that this, this connectedness was necessary to make
us realize that nature has so much to offer and that nature in ourselves needs
so little to create this happy feeling for what it is.
At some point while talking to her she
showed her wings spread on my hand where I said: “Go … go enjoy flying into
nature … be yourself.”
The beauty she radiated during these few seconds
made us marvel this moment for the rest of the day.
A moment of awareness with this
beautiful Butterfly reminded us that every second of the day you can enjoy
yourself, be yourself and because of all kinds of circumstances you can
sometimes no longer see the beauty of this Butterfly, can feel it, can share it
in the way that Nature you offer … for free and for naught.
This Butterfly stands for that bit of
enjoyment, rejoicing yourself by looking through the eyes of this beauty that
makes you surprise, rejoice and warm.
Think like the Butterfly, spread your
wings, show off your colour splendour, and sometimes take a break to relax so
that you can fly out the way you want and can fly out to a new place, a new
feeling, a new encounter, a new experience! Embark on a voyage of discovery
within yourself as the Butterfly did in this hall, and watch what you can see,
be able to experience in a matter of seconds, which will make you stop for a
moment in wonder, the admiration of nature around you, on Mother Earth, in
nature and within yourself.
Let the moments of sadness, of fear, of
pain, of disappointment fly away like the Butterfly and let the joyful feeling,
the sense of oneness, sense of belonging that you may give yourself, share in
these seconds of being whole fulfil you.
A happy feeling is that feeling where you press that Heart & Soul button to let the Light shine in a dark room. Be this button yourself, because anything is possible! A few seconds to rejoice your heart, rejoice your soul, and above all rejoicing your life, making other energies realize that we are all just seconds on Mother Earth to make this wonder, admiration, to be allowed to share as the butterfly did with me and my sister.
That’s where I’m this beauty grateful for.
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