(96) A Special Encounter

Bringing out the feminine in the masculine to make the World more beautiful for all those Wonderful Souls who really want to be born, who really want to be carried in the tangible part, because the unborn Wonderful Souls are there too, are with us and will hold us, support us and carry us forever.

On Saturday, May 26th, I met a special man came to my table to receive “a Whispering from your Soul – a gift to yourself” thru automatic script. In this session a lot of words have been said, heard, written down, but also a number that remained untouched, but were picked up by the energy during that special moment and could be reflected through this letter.

We briefly talked about what was happening with you because of what sadly happened with your daughter. How special and how beautiful that process started to flow for you through her, that you have experienced this and still do, and that you may share this with others trough your blog and the writing of a book.

The whole circle was completed when we talked about unborn souls and the unwritten emotions connected to those, the incredible sadness, but also the Power and Love that is needed to experience it, to accept it and to share it in unconditional love. The acknowledgement, the recognition. The process of in Love creating a beautiful little Soul, the will to form and eventually not allowed to be born unfortunately on Mother Earth because Fate would have it so, as many would say.

However, this Wonderful Little Soul hasn’t been carried by you in vain, it has felt secure and free to be allowed to nestle, however, this moment was sufficient to continue to grow to another moment and perhaps then to actually be born.

The simplicity, the serenity, the authenticity, the will and the power are in this Little Soul that wants to entrust you with this experience to be carried, because that is ultimately the purpose. Te be carried, literally in the Heart, in the Soul of all those involved so that all can live in the way they desire and want.

Mourning in this is very important, celebrating life on the hand is also very important, which is different for everyone and very personal.

The fact that there is recognition of this wonderful Little Soul, will bring all those involved closer to themselves, and receive the Little Soul as it is meant to be.

The Little Soul is touched by the unconditional Love from the Source of Love and, you will carry this touch forever in your Heart, in your Soul, experienced as a gift despite the sadness and the pain, this recognition will ultimately be the answer to be allowed to continue on everyone’s Path of Soul.

This process is very difficult to put into words and the emotions vary with us, but what is universal is the unconditional Love, the recognition that this beautiful Little Soul was there and still is but in a different form. Communication is very crucial in this because one person will be able to speak about it, the other does not.

The question is, what do you need to be able to proceed.

You could write a letter of gratitude to yourself, to your partner, but also to this beautiful Little Soul. A letter in which you may express yourself in your own way, or without words, you receive something tangible in this process on your path-of-life on Mother Earth.

You may be carried, you may be heard, you may be seen, you may Be as you please.

The wonderful Little Soul will continue her or his Journey of Souls with the mission that she or he must accomplish to proceed but can do so thanks to you.

Special is the fact that this experience will always feed you in Love, will feed you in unconditional love, in security, in unity, in everything you feel, when it’s just a bit difficult, if you just have doubts about everything, if you just have no energy to be positive about this, you are allowed to go to this place, which is only yours and of your wonderful Little Soul, to feel the connection of pure love, the pure Being, the sheer sense of unity.

The Love you then can experience is presented to you by this Beautiful Little Soul, because there’s always a connection with you, during every thought, every step, with everything that happens in your life, she or he will be there with you.

This is the celebration of her or his presence through which the energy will change, the energy will be a gift to you and to Mother Earth, while this is needed to bring about the transformation where Love, Oneness and Purity are the words that will serve as the basis for humanity.

Humanity is ready for Love, to live with unity and purity from your Heart and Soul, to work and to act to build together where all our beautiful Little Souls will be seen as messengers and as touches we can bestow to ourselves, to our Hearts and to our Souls to experience brotherhood, bond and peace together.

Bringing out the feminine in the masculine to make the World more beautiful for all those Wonderful Souls who really want to be born, who really want to be carried in the tangible part, because the unborn Wonderful Souls are there too, are with us and will hold us, support us and carry us forever.

A very beautiful day and let the Soul be the answer to all our questions, our pains, our sorrows, our joy, our disappointments, our moments together and apart from each other.

Let your Soul be in the simplicity, in the encounter with that other.
Let your Soul Dance in the simplicity, in the encounter with that other.
Show your Soul in the simplicity, in the encounter with that other.
Let your Soul Feel in the simplicity, in the encounter with that other.
Let your Soul Experience in the simplicity, in the encounter with that other.

Let this wonderful Little Soul Be, Dance, See, Feel and Experience to carry, be carried, be carried in this bereavement – that the tears of sadness may become Pearls in Love as an imaginary Pearl Necklace that you always have.

A beautiful day and lots of Love in all your work and all your beautiful words you can wear, carry and carry through by and for your beautiful special daughter.

(91) A New Beginning

It all moves away… even grief… pleasant or unpleasant… it moves away. Once you realize that it all fades, that’s when it gives you new perspectives and opportunities.

Bereavement is an inner process that must be given all the space that it requires. Don’t be surprised that during that process emotions like sadness, pain, homesickness or loss can occur. But, also emotions like happiness, pleasure, joy or delight. It can all be there. It’s all part of it.

But what you certainly shouldn’t do is to wallow in your grief. Never mind when you feel unhappy because of your grief. It’s part of our life. When you think though, that you shouldn’t be never unhappy, then that thought alone can be the cause that you feel unhappy… and maybe even stay unhappy unnecessarily. When we’re happy we feel a sense of expansion, and when we’re miserable we experience a certain depth. Therefore, you experience happiness or sorrow in life. You should treat both as equal because happiness brings expansion and sorrow brings depth… and both make us stronger.

It all moves away… even grief… pleasant or unpleasant… it moves away. Once you realize that it all fades, that’s when it gives you new perspectives and opportunities.

In a nutshell, bereavement leads to change. In my former professional life, I was used to prepare for change … and if you do that … you can somehow deal with that change … a change that you initially (in your wildest dreams) did not expect.

Can you prepare for a change like this? Yes, you can, that is if you see that death is coming… and yes, if you are both willing to talk about this. But many of us don’t see that death is coming… let alone if they can see that … are they willing to talk about this. Most of us can’t and are surprised by the news that a loved one deceased. And then, when the first shocks begin to ebb away a little and you become more and more aware of the loss, then in my opinion the grieving process begins… the process of processing your grief. Only then the change will begin.

How the process of that change proceeds is different for each of us. What I have learned and experienced is that the rawer the grief is after a loss, the deeper the love was for the other. I have also learned by simultaneously embracing the great love to my dear one and the (raw) pain and grief of her death, I was able to create something … the lessons we’ve learned from each other.

Therefore, never forget those lessons and continue your path-of-life with head held high. Be proud that you’ve learned so much from your dear one… that you’ve been able to support each other so much and… that you’ve enjoyed each other on those parts of your path-of-life that you could walk together! Hence, prepare for what you could do if you give yourself the ability … and more importantly … challenge yourself to go on.

Continue and discover despite all your sorrow so that this could eventually become one of your greatest adventures so far.

(82) Live!

Living life to its fullest is more important than a long life without living!

Living and love are essential themes in our existence. And above all, real life and true love are now rather lacking in our world. In our existence, living and love are in my opinion too important to waste.

Despite all the sadness around us and all the loss we must deal with personally, whatever the cause may be, it is important to proceed with our real life and true love. By continuing with our life this way, we honor and thank all those we have lost. In addition, we also owe them for the lessons we have learned from them, especially when we use these lessons for the benefit of ourselves… and for the world around us.

However difficult the situation is in your life, know that relationships with loved ones, friends and girlfriends come and go. Some relationships are for life… or for eternity. Other relationships exist only for certain periods. These relationships are from my point of view intended to learn from each other in life… and from life… whatever that may be. When we have learned everything from each other and it doesn’t matter what and how much, then our paths-of-life separate and we may meet each other again in the future.

For this reason alone, it is important not to get stuck in your grief. In mine opinion, it is better to get everything out of life then to have a long life without really living!

It is easily said, to do it is a different matter. By assessing everything in a positive way… however difficult that may be… eventually you start to proceed with your life again… and you will arrive wherever you want to be.

It is not necessary to put everything into actions immediately. Your attitude alone is more than sufficient to ensure that you even unconsciously carry out those actions that are in line with everything you feel.

But having that said…

There are people in our world, many people, who have hardly anything to eat today and they don’t know whether there is something to eat tomorrow… let alone… the day after tomorrow. People, who have no idea today whether they will wake up the next morning. People who need to live, possibly for years, in the most miserable if not horrific conditions. People who must survive every day, every hour, every minute… which is the only thing they can do! And those people you’re going to tell that they should consider or assess their life in a positive way? Those people you’re going to tell that they should get every possible thing out of their lives? They don’t understand what you are talking about… because, it’s the only thing they are doing already! Every day they get out of life what’s in it for them… how meager that might be! For them is all they have, there is nothing else!

In a nutshell, just as these people… and like my daughter in her short life… I will literally get everything out of life that it’s in for me. You might find me arrogant, but a long life without really living and truly loving I consider as… a wasted life!

And suddenly, to me death is not important anymore! What really matters is to get everything out of life that is humanly possible for me… every day… for the rest of my life… and maybe even after that!

(80) A Choice On My Path-Of-Life

Well, there you are. How do I go on from here?

About ‘choices’ and ‘making choices’ I’ve written more often. The topic interests me and I would like to get in touch with people who needed to make, or have been involved in, a distressing choice in their life. I have the need to write several blogs about this topic with the expectation that people could use these for support or guidance.

An example for clarification.

Some time ago I was informed by the Cardiologist that test results showed that I have an aneurysm in the aorta. At that time, it was not entirely clear where the aneurysm was precisely sitting in my aorta. Earlier tests before and after my open-heart-surgeries didn’t show any sign of an aneurysm and my Cardiologist didn’t justify the current situation. In short, an additional test and an appointment for a follow-up consultation were rapidly ordered.

Well, there you are. In a short time, my world can be completely turned upside down. The latter happened so often in my life that I should be able to cope with that… should be able to deal with it. Though this time the argument of staying here or leave was approaching fast. And, what never happened before… this time I got stressed out and I couldn’t produce anything anymore… my world… stopped turning… completely.

I started wondering why my response to the given situation now was so different.

At the moment, it feels for me that I’m walking on the correct path-of-life. But I also feel that I must make a few important choices in my life soon. One of those choices is linked to the aneurysm in my aorta. In the case the aneurysm is sitting in the bend of the aorta (where the arteries to the heart and the brain are sitting) then there would be a considerable risk that my brain could be damaged because of the surgery. What do I want to do in that case? What decision am I going to make? I’m not sure yet. In any case I don’t want to become a ‘vegetable!’

I also feel that I’m yet able to, and allowed to carry out several more tasks in this life. And when I’m allowed to decide this I’m going to do that. However, my body should be able to cope with that too.

Well, there you are. How do I go on from here?

It goes without saying that there exist several reasons why people need to make distressing choices. I have the need to write several blogs about this topic with the expectation that people could use these for support or guidance. Therefor I would like to get in touch with people who needed to make, or have been involved, in a distressing choice in their life.

You can contact me by using the site’s contact form.

(79) Choices… Choices… Choices…

In everyday life, we make consciously and unconsciously many choices. In one case, it’s crystal clear what choice to make, in the other case the choice is far from certain, let alone that you understand the consequences of your choice… or… that you even can make a choice.

During bereavement emotions add another dimension. Decision-making is not becoming easier… on the contrary. In addition to that these choices have most of the time an impact on your path-of-life.

I used to think that making a choice is just like when you’re standing on a crossroads. You see different streets coming together at the crossroads. In the streets, you can see what’s out there but the view is limited. And beyond is uncharted territory. And yes… how do you proceed from here?

  • You can make a choice based on what you initially see. And accept the unknown for what it is and what it represents.
  • You can make a choice based on your sense of direction in which you feel your destination is. And accept the street and the unknown for what they are and for what they represent.
  • Perhaps there’s a bench where you can sit at the crossroads. Where you can contemplate how to proceed. Where you can weigh all cons and pros for the different choices that are available to you until you’re sure of your choice.

You’re not proceeding with your life when you’re not making choices. And, you’ll never get total certainty for any choice you make. After all, things that were originally hidden when you made your choice are becoming visible once you’ve put your first steps again. Hence, there is no point in reasoning out (in detail) what steps you should take… but do listen carefully to your feeling.

In my opinion everyone has a purpose in life. However, that purpose is not important… what important is, is the path you’ve followed to accomplish your purpose. And in particularly the lessons you’ve learned and still learn on your path are important.

To reach your goal you’ll have to make choices to move forward in life. What those choices are? That’s not for me. That’s up to you! You are responsible for the choices you make in your life. It also means that you must accept the consequences of a choice made… after all it’s your choice.

What I’ve learned so far is that it really doesn’t matter what choice you make to achieve your goal. When you keep making choices you reach your goal eventually anyway. Only the road towards it is different. One way is harder or longer than the other way. What is important, is to have confidence that the path you’ve selected is the proper path.

It also amazes me time and time again is that you unwind once you’ve made your choice. You’ve put a step forward. And whatever the situation was where you’re coming from… or maybe even still is… you’ve put a step… a step forward. And with that you opened new opportunities to move forward in life. Make sure you make use of what you discover… what you see… what you get… what you receive… what you feel. Exploit it fully! Get all out of it!

Maybe you’ll discover at some point in time that you’ve learned new things, new capabilities… something that you otherwise never would’ve done…something that might be a revelation for you… something that made you happy (again)!

But please do realize that it’s your own responsibility to make and to keep making your choices, how difficult and annoying that every time may be, to achieve your goal on your path-of-life.