(99) Roundabout of Choices

Roundabout of choices. You keep making choices that lead to similar consequences as from choices you made previously. You promised yourself never to do that again, and still you did.


In our daily life we consciously and unconsciously make many choices. With one choice it is crystal clear for you to choose, with the other choice the options are not so clear, let alone that you can see the consequences of your choice. You never get full assurance for making your choice. As soon as you have made the first steps after your choice, everything will change as things that were previously hidden for you now become visible. In short, it makes no sense to reason (in detail) what choice you should make… but trust your feelings.

If you don’t make a choice, you literally stand still, and you won’t continue on your life’s path. But, make sure you don’t get on a roundabout of choices.

Roundabout of Choices

Each time you make the same choice of which you promised yourself never to make it again, then your life’s path run along a roundabout; the roundabout of choices. Even though the players you meet may change over time when you walk along your roundabout of choices, it remains a repetition of moves and decisions. You won’t proceed in life in my opinion because you didn’t learn obviously from previous lessons.

Below some examples. Many examples could be added to the list. What matters though is that you keep making choices that have the same kind of outcome or consequences… you promised to yourself not to make these choices again… and, still you did.

An example: Your partner abuses you

Consider for example of a situation where your partner abuses you, or bullies, deceives, neglects or just ignores you. You may not have experienced that in the beginning of your relationship. Later, when you became aware of the situation you were in, you still loved your partner deeply despite his or her behaviour. You didn’t want to admit at first and eventually, perhaps even after long deliberation, you decided to end the relation. And when you settled down again you thought at yourself: “Never again!”

Eventually you met someone again with whom you decided to enter a new relationship. Later, you discovered that this new partner behaved the same way as your ex-partner. “Not again!” you thought. However, your friends saw it happening again from the beginning of your new relationship and were thinking: “How is it possible that you didn’t learn from that hard lesson the last time?” At that moment you returned to the same point on the roundabout of choices where you were last time.

An example: After a break, you choose the same partner each time

The same applies to people who after a broken relationship still choose the same partner again and … sometimes keep choosing … despite the previously broken relationship (s) and the ensuing frustrations and grief. We may think at the next choice … that we did learn from our mistakes and that this time we will make the right choice. And yet others, who know you well … find that you again have again chosen a partner who is addicted to alcohol and / or drugs or threatens or abuses you. You made the same choice as before in your life when you had promised yourself that you would never make such a choice again.

Any other example

That lousy or bad situation does not necessarily have to deal with a partner. I could also be about completely different things: like your financial decisions or changing jobs every time because the last job didn’t meet your expectations again.

How to proceed from here

Get off that roundabout of choices

Get off that roundabout of choices. You can only proceed on your path of life when you choose a route that caries you away from that roundabout of choices. However, before that happens you will have to be prepared not to retreat every time … maybe you think it too bizarre for words … on that old “trusted” path that was your roundabout of choices. You must be willing to think completely out of the box and perhaps even dare to live that way. Only then can you develop yourself further and perhaps discover also new horizons that help you create new opportunities.

Go for it as soon as you leave the roundabout of choices

Once you step on that new path, that path that takes you away from that roundabout of choices, don’t look back but forward to where that path goes. Leave the past for what it is. The past cannot be changed anyway. You can only make choices that concern the future, your future.

Keep making choices

In my opinion, every person has a purpose in life. However, that goal is not important… what is important is the path you followed to achieve your goal and in particularly the lessons you learned on that path. To reach your goal you’ll have to make choices to move forward in life. What those choices are? That’s not for me. That’s up to you! You are responsible for the choices you make in your life. It also means that you must accept the consequences of a choice made… after all it’s your choice.

New opportunities

It amazes me time and time again is that you unwind once you’ve made your choice. You’ve put a step forward. And whatever the situation was where you’re coming from… or maybe even still is… you’ve put a step… a step forward. And with that you opened new opportunities to move forward in life. Make sure you make use of what you discover… see… get… receive… and feel. Exploit it fully! Get all out of it! At a certain point in time you may discover that you’ve learned new things… something that you never would’ve chosen otherwise … something is a revelation to you… where you become a happy person!

(98) Letting Go

Letting go. Have confidence in yourself, believe and trust that nothing is for nothing… sometimes the difficult things in our life make the choice to look at ourselves. It’ll be fine.

Ask for help, to restore yourself. Everything is a choice… the choice is what you decide… you, and only you, allow that choice… or not.

Letting go is very hard and challenging… but nobody else can solve that part for you. Hence, it is better to face this as soon as possible… to create new room for new things… positive things.

The old energy… the fear… the care… the must do’s… the criticising … the judging… the imposed feeling of yourself or the other… the emotions… the believes… all that’s now allowed to let go… all, that you can let go.

Be thankful and see this as a blessing… as an enrichment to proceed… to embrace yourself again… to love yourself. That’s the key that opens the new door… but, be watchful.

Be yourself… be happy with yourself… laugh at yourself and with yourself… award yourself that which you grant to another… to really feel the new energy… the new energy, when you do realize: “This is not the way I want to go on!”

However, you must take this step, and only you can do that with all your new energy… with all your passion… all your Being… to really experience it… to really feel it, and permitted to share it.

It’s very simple.

Invite the new energy and say farewell to the old energy… thank the old energy and embrace the new one as if you hug a good friend.

You could do it… and you will feel relieved because you do not hold anymore the fear, the care, and the must do… the new energy that makes you feel again in a way as you are.

Sometimes, it’s not clear why things happen… are noticeably profound… for no reason. But, when we look deep within ourselves… then we see, or feel, that little place where you do not always want to go to… to really feel… because you assume: “Surely that’s no longer possible?”

It’s going well, however, you forgot what you saved in all your cells… in your deepest Being… in your Soul… because you had to go on… no whining, no squealing, just moving on. And just right now when everything goes fine… you don’t feel good… tired… not pleasant.

Letting go the piece that has hurt you so much, has disappointed you so much… is now surfacing… because you have the peace… have the (inner) silence… have the time… to really feel it now.

Feel, undergo and look where it hurts you. Look where it reveals itself when you look honestly through the eyes of your Soul, from the eyes you not always want to see and feel on that spot… that hidden spot… just very briefly, 5 minutes, that’s ok… and then just let it golet it go and see what happens.

It’ll be fine! Have confidence in yourself, believe and trust that nothing is for nothing… sometimes the difficult things in our life make the choice to look at ourselves… a crossroads with a choice… your choice, where do I want to go to.

Go there with your thoughts and live and enjoy this moment in the now. Especially, do not worry about tomorrow… no, there is so much beauty… so much good around you and within you.

Embrace your family, your work, your relatives, your friends, your house, your car … name it … and … beam it, express it!

(97) How Easy Can It Be

Lately it seems like I am meeting more and more Angels on Earth. Angels that show you… how simple it all can be… is granted to be… is. How beautiful the world is… how beautiful you, yourself, are… and… the people around you. How with a few words your world can tip… from rain to sunshine… from gloom to joy… from in and in grief to moments where you can forget that grief. How with simple insights… veils are removed one by one… making everything crystal clear… lighter… serene… happier… and you can in and in enjoy life again.

Those moments I consider the diamonds in my life.

My sincerest thanks to all the Angels around me… I love you!

(92) A Broken Heart

What if we would have been able to process our grief, under guidance or supervision… would my soulmate then still be alive? A question I probably will never get answers to.

On a warm afternoon in October 1978, our daughter Anne Birgit was born in a hospital. We rejoiced that our long expected first child was born.

Our happiness was short lived however. That same evening the surgeon contacted me and asked if I could come over to the hospital immediately. The meconium, the first excrement of a newborn child, was stuck and there was also a first indication that our daughter might have Cystic Fibrosis. Mary-Anne, my partner, wasn’t informed yet and the surgeon asked us if the three of us could discuss the various options… and then decide how we would proceed from there. Time was of the essence. There you are, being parents for the first time of your life… thrown into the deep.

That same evening, our newborn daughter, hardly 8 hours old, had her first operation in her life.

It was also the first time in my life that my world was completely destroyed. Even today, over 40 years after Anne Birgit’s birth, I can still see the images with my mind’s eye how a beautiful future was shattered in one blow! Not only mine world was shattered, Mary-Anne’s too. I can still see the fear in her eyes… I can still hear her crying from the depth of her soul… searching for words. That evening changed both of us forever.

While our daughter was being operated we took an impulsive oath to each other… that, whatever would happen during our lives… we would always stay together and face whatever was thrown to us in the future… we would always be there for each other. At that moment it felt it was important so that a higher power would allow Anne Birgit to live. One way or the other, that oath to each other gave us peacefulness… gave us an unfamiliar energy… no… power to continue. That power was really needed because at that time we hardly couldn’t imagine what was in store for us… how we later had to struggle in guiding our daughter… and that we would get the privilege to bring Anne Birgit to the Light.

Not many people can imagine what we had to live through those 21 years during the life of our daughter. How high the stress levels were and how lonely we were. Anne Birgit became a beautiful young woman who knew very early in her life that she had not many years to live.  Early in her life she made conscious choices and, she tried to get everything out of her life that was humanly possible. Buy because she would have a short life and because she was good looking… at the outside… we met frequently people who couldn’t or didn’t want to accept her illness. It didn’t make sense in our eyes, but we had to deal with it one way or the other. As if our daughter’s illness wasn’t bad enough, the misunderstanding from others did a great job on top of it.

Looking back, that oath we took to each other during the operation of our 8 hours old daughter… that oath kept us together during our 35 years of marriage. Just now, I realize that the energy and the power we received stands for True Love. It guided us through our darkest and lightest periods of our relation. What I also realize is that from all the problems we had to solve, I’ve learned that whatever happens in your life… and it doesn’t even matter how bad it is… you always get support somehow from the spiritual world… eventually, you always get your feet firmly on the ground. It doesn’t happen by itself though… you have to work very hard to make it happen… and you’ve to devote over 100% of your effort all the time… always!

Life was for Anne Birgit one long rollercoaster ride. Just as unusual life was for her… just as unusual was the period around her death for us… and just as unusual was our bereavement… that is, how it felt for me.

It is said that parents who lose a child are marked for life. That’s true for Mary-Anne and myself, nonetheless different. Isn’t it often said that the loss of a child is not even something you whish to have for your worst enemy? Yes, we agreed with that too… but… on the other hand, the stress levels we had to deal with during the life of our daughter… the angst and the worry that was always there… after her death… that angst and worry… was gone! We didn’t have to survive anymore. Our house became hushed… very silent! And step by step… we got rest in our system… and at the same time… the realization sunk in that our daughter wasn’t there anymore.

With that rest also came unrest again… but this time from a completely different order… the unease to cope with our loss and grief somehow. During Anne Birgit’s life we always had hidden our pain and grief. We had hidden it so deep that we were unable to find and touch it after her death. We understood we had to do something about it… but what, and how… and whom to approach? The family was there too and began to demand attention with as result that nothing came of our mourning… and again… we deeply buried our grief. Yes, burying our grief, we were very good at that… unfortunately.

Slowly but surely our grief began to seep through the cracks from the deepest of our being. And in the period that followed we often went through emotionally deep valleys… and at the same time also over emotionally high peaks because we were together and although we had a deceased daughter we have a healthy son. Too bizarre for words… at the same time to go through emotionally deep valleys and over emotionally high peaks. The result was that our family and the people around us couldn’t see… or didn’t understand… that we went through severe times… so severe that in the end something broke. Mary-Anne, my partner and soulmate, died in 2011 of a broken heart.

Was it so intended or… what if we would have been able to process our grief, under guidance or supervision… would my soulmate then still be alive? A question I’ll probably never get an answer to.

(90) A Decision… That Came Straight To The Point (Part 2)

The decisions I’ve taken during my life…
Have brought me where I am…
Have made me who I am…
Have made me see who I really am!

In my previous blog, I concluded with: “How is it possible that from a clearly stressful situation… discovering an aneurysm in my aorta with everything you can imagine… I’ve obtained internal peace… and arrived at a decision that should it be so in the future that an intervention is necessary… I can just leave the aneurysm for what it is! How do you arrive at such a decision? What steps have been taken? What did I do to get this far? ”

Answering that question is important to me. Because only then my blog will become much more than a description of what had happened to me.

With this contribution I don’t want to pretend that if you would use my approach in a comparable situation, you will achieve a similar result. The processing of grief is different for everyone and is certainly not a process that can be scheduled. With this contribution, however, I want to show you that no matter how dark and how long the tunnel is, eventually you’ll see light again at the end of the tunnel.

In the book “The Jeshua Channelings” by Pamela Kribbe it is stated that the light and the dark, perhaps you prefer to express this in terms of good and bad, are not intended to transform the dark into the light. No, it is the light and the dark, which are each other’s natural counterparts, that transform together to the golden light of the Christ-consciousness. Naive as I am, I assume that every belief system on Earth, albeit using different words, use a similar philosophy.

I personally experienced a transformation to the golden light in June 2016. After a period of consciously and unconsciously working on the processing of my grief and the loss of my deceased wife, I noticed that I’d made a huge U-turn. A U-turn that changed the raw pain of grief and bereavement into the soft pain of sadness. Moreover, I obtained new opportunities on my path-of-life and despite my grief I became a happy person again. In retrospect I can conclude that what I’d achieved then and as I feel today, I couldn’t have guessed in my wildest dreams!

The 90/10 rule exists in psychology, which means that the way we react to events has much more influence than the events themselves. Only 10% of our lives are determined by the things that happen to us. The other 90% is directly related to how we respond to that 10%. When confronted, our reaction determines how we move on in life. It all depends on ourselves.

In my opinion it boils down to the following:

  • Change the way you think. Look at it from the other side. Do not assume that something is not possible, but that it is possible. Restrict yourself to those things that are important; the remaining part usually doesn’t matter at all.
  • Do not postpone what you can do now. When you postpone the threshold you need to take to act becomes higher and higher; often postponement results in tomorrow never comes. And in order to prevent that others will make the decision for you with all possible counterproductive consequences for you, it is better to immediately prepare a decision yourself and to be ready when the moment is there.
  • Do realize that the more insight and knowledge you have into the problem, the better you understand the possible approaches for a solution, the more you will relax and obtain harmony in your head. Uncertainty is “killing!” In other words, the sooner and the faster you assess your options and obtain your answers, the sooner you can relax and will get stillness in your head.

The effect of the above was that immediately after the consult with the surgeon I started in a familiar, systematic and structured way to assess what the consequences could be for my body when an intervention should be required for correcting the aneurysm in my aorta. At the same time, I needed to find out what the risks could be during the operation and what I should decide and arrange prior to the procedure. And more important to me, I needed to find out what the consequences would be for me when such a risk occurred after or long after the operation… and how I would respond to that. And last but certainly not least, what would be the consequences for me and my dear ones when I would decide for the option to do nothing at all.

It all seems so simple, but it certainly is not. While thinking about the (possible) options and the consequences of those options, emotions will release themselves. Your emotions… and those of your dear ones. And precisely those emotions will determine the content of your plans and your decisions… at least that was the case with me.

Then I moved the plans and the results of those plans to my subconscious so that these would be out of the picture for a while. Perhaps I’m privileged because I’ve learned to solve complex problems this way early in my life. I am convinced that your unconsciousness is somehow connected with the universal knowledge within the spiritual world. At some point in time, but always unexpectedly, I received the message that I may come Home soon and that I also can learn the lessons and to complete the tasks for which I’m here as a human being on Earth.

That I’m allowed to come home soon does not mean that I will soon die. On the contrary, I’m enjoying life right now. But I do long to Home… that place where real and genuine Love exists. In a Dutch book “De emotie encyclopedie” (which translates as: “The Emotion Encyclopedia) with as subtitle “gevoelens als navigatiesysteem naar een gelukkig leven” (which translates as: “feelings as a navigation system to a happy life”) writes Vera Helleman that homesickness to Home tells you that you not only long for your home in the spiritual world, but also that your own space is important to you. In fact, it is important that whenever and wherever you are, you can be yourself.

Early in my life I learned that when I made a decision which did not feel right or good, the decision had to be revised! And to avoid that your decisions would be made or forced by others, it is better to prepare decisions immediately and to be ready as soon as the right moment is there.

Yes, I really do know and understand… preparing the plans and the final decision to make may not sound complicated at all… but the emotions that arise during the preparation of those plans make it difficult… and sometimes make it very hard. However, I realize all too well that uncertainty is “killing!” For that reason alone, the fact that I know what I will decide when the moment is there, gives me inner peace and self-confidence.

Once a decision is made by me, I accept the consequences of that decision and… I never look back at how I could have decided differently. Once a decision is made, my reality has changed, and I can never go back in time where afterwards I might have preferred a different decision.

The decisions I’ve taken during my life…
Have brought me where I am…
Have made me who I am…
Have made me see who I really am!

When you end-up in a similar situation then I sincerely do hope that this blog, in the case it was not able help you, at least gave you an idea how you could prepare for your choice or your decision.